CCTV cameras and detection systems are placed strategically around your premises or site. This will protect your site from unwanted intruders. Anyone attempting to access your site will trigger the alarm system. The system will activate the appropriate cameras and send live video images to our command centre. The command centre operators will respond with a forceful audio warning, informing the intruder to leave the site while informing the police or keyholders of the break in and the location of the intruder.
Using the iSecure System we can perform remote video tours through the night on your premises or site. These can be performed half-hourly/hourly, or times best suited for your site. It involves iSecure dialling into your site and touring all cameras on the system and logging the call and any events.
Due to health and safety reasons some sites require two guards, it may be more cost effective to incorporate one single guard alongside the iSecure system. If an incident were to occur, an iSecure operator would then contact Police or Specified Authorities as per agreed protocols, whilst maintaining visual contact with the guard on site.
iSecure command centre can operate barrier systems, automated gates, open and close doors, set and unset intruder alarm systems and manage lights at your premises. All of these actions are carried out by our operators in our command centre using new technology functionality.
iSecure system can protect the "lone worker". This iSecure service will make automated calls to the lone worker at pre-determined times to ensure the lone worker is safe. Our automated check call facility will call a specified location and await a response. Failure to respond within the pre-determined timeframe will alert our operations team to take the appropriate action.